Monday, August 6, 2007

Sully's return to Durand

Sullivan had a flight into Detroit and Floyd offered that we would stay at the same hotel as him or he could come home and he wanted to come home. It was his first time back to Durand and we were all very excited. Carol and other Floyd joined us for dinner of a typical American summer meal of grilled steak and corn on the cob. Sully was able to stay awake for some visitors and to watch one of The Floyd's favorite tv shows, So You Think You Can Dance. I'm sure we all remember when the Floyd tricked Hannah so Sullivan could steal the soccer ball. They were so sneaky and Hannah didn't know what was happening. When Sullivan first came to live with us in 2000, Floyd and Sully would go for breakfast in the morning at Nick's in town and that's what he wanted to do again. He was able to have the same breakfast that he had 7 years ago and he said it tasted the same. Then we took a tour of the school and the soccer field. When Sully was here we were in the process of building the concession stand so he never saw it finished, so we went and checked it out. The problem was, when we went inside, the pop cooler is missing and I don't have a clue where it is. Oh well, the the first game is soon, so I hope something will turn up.
Floyd had forgotten something at the restaurant so when he went back to get it, he saw the Parks, (minus Jesse as he was working) so Sully was able to see them.
Hopefully, he can see Jesse on a return visit.
It was hard again saying good bye but I was happy that he chose the Lincoln's over the Ritz Carlton. And I did warn him that I could show up in Toronto at the end of the month as he will be there again. I hope he is able to visit us again.

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